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Leidykla „Lucilijus“, Stoties g. 5, 2 aukštas, Šiauliai

Didžiosios Britanijos istorijos ir visuomeninio gyvenimo faktų rinkinys

ISBN: 9955655801
1,50 €
1 vnt.
Apie prekę

Didžiosios Britanijos istorijos ir visuomeninio gyvenimo faktų rinkinys skirtas besimokantiems anglų kalbos bei studentams, kurie studijuoja Didžiosios Britanijos civilizaciją ir britų kultūrą. Be abejonės, ši mokymo priemonė bus naudinga ir tiems, kurie mano, kad tarpkultūrinės žinios yra būtina sąlyga mokantis užsienio kalbos.


It is a frequent phenomenon when you cannot comprehend a phrase or a word in a British text and you are not able to find them in the dictionary. It also happens that you understand what a British person says to you, but you do not understand what he or she means. Therefore, this set of historical facts of the United Kingdom and a guide to the British social life is dedicated for learners of English as a foreign language and for those who need to know more about Britain. It will be helpful and invaluable to students on British Civilization Studies and to those who are studying British culture as a part of a general English course. Definitely, the guide to British historical facts and aspects of social life will be useful to students who admit that knowledge of British life is necessary to improve their understanding and use of the English language. Finally, this handbook will provide you a general approach to the British life.The author of this textbook is grateful for the reviewer for the proposals and remarks to which much attention was paid while framing the textbook.

Apimtis: 59 puslapiai.

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